Artificial Turf vs Natural Grass

If you’re considering making the jump from natural grass to artificial turf, rest assured the benefits of artificial turf are many.

While the change can be an investment, it is proven to pay off in just a few years. Artificial turf can last more than 10 years but requires just a fraction of the care and maintenance that natural grass does. The benefits and pros can outweigh the cons for your home or business. 

Whether you’re looking for a standard lawn or fun turf projects, artificial turf can work for your indoor or outdoor application. Let’s take a closer look at turf vs grass


Pros And Cons Of Turf vs Grass

For some, the biggest con is the financial investment and turf installation costs. However, over time, costs are off-set by the lack of expenses involved with natural grass. Keep in mind, too, that Synlawn Sacramento offers generous financing terms, turning your home investment into a manageable monthly payment. 

When you install an artificial turf for commercial buildings or your home, you enjoy:  

  • lower maintenance costs – fertilizer, pesticide, seed, plant, and mowing costs drop by 80 percent or more
  • fewer pests, as artificial turf for pest control can be an effective way of reducing the food (natural grass) pests eat and homes they make in the soil
  • 80 percent decreased water consumption and payments

Environmental Benefits of Turf

When searching for the most environmentally friendly turf option available, sustainable, and environmentally-friendly turf can help you continue to go green at home or work. Turf can be one more element in your efforts to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Artificial turf lasts upwards of 10 years, with many people getting up to 25 years of life out of their artificial turf. Aside from the longevity of turf, when it has run out of its lifespan, recycling artificial turf can be relatively easy. Some municipal recycling programs even recycle artificial turf. Most of the materials in turf are recyclable (and you can even find turf options made from recycled materials in the first place).

Once you’ve installed an artificial lawn for your home, water consumption drops drastically.  You are doing your part to conserve this precious natural resource. Within Sacramento, you can even see benefits like rebates from the water company for making the switch to turf. 

In addition to saving water, you reduce chemical inputs. Turf is an environmentally friendly pest control option, as it doesn’t use any pesticide to help reduce the number of pests present. It simply fails to provide the warm dirt home and natural plant food supply they need for survival. Finally, it won’t take chemical fertilizers, either, to keep the lawn looking great all year long.

When considering how turf vs grass might best fit into your home or business renovation projects, SYNLawn Sacramento can help you understand the pros and cons of turf. We’ve helped homeowners and business owners across the Sacramento area convert their lawns to an environmentally friendly (and wallet-friendly) turf. To get your questions answered about how turf might work for you and to find the right turf for your application, call 888-507-TURF today or fill out this contact form

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