Artificial Grass For All Seasons

Artificial grass is an investment many homeowners are making to improve their home value and spend less time on yard work. It’s a great way to get extra hours in your weekend, while ensuring that your grass looks great all year long.

No matter the weather conditions — rain or shine — artificial grass is a great option for homeowners and businesses alike. If you want that freshly groomed look, here’s what you need to know about having artificial grass for all seasons.

4 Benefits of Artificial Grass

Artificial grass has many benefits all year long. In the hot summer months, it won’t dry up or die under the sun’s rays. During the cold raining months, it won’t get muddy or slippery leading people and animals alike to track muddy prints indoors.

Here are four benefits of your artificial turf, no matter the season.

Sacramento artificial turf installationDoesn’t Fall Apart Like Real Grass

Real grass can wear thin or patchy in highly trafficked areas. As people or pets walk or run on the turf, brown spots or bare areas naturally will appear. However, this won’t happen with artificial turf. It won’t pull up when the dog digs, and it won’t become thin from use. The blades can be brushed to keep them looking pristine but other than that, you won’t need to worry about too much care.

Guaranteed Quality

When you buy grass seed, you just can’t be assured of the quality and know 100 percent that there won’t be pesky weeds popping up in your lawn.

With artificial turf, you know that you are getting a high-quality product that will last. It’s going to look green and fresh, without the hard work of natural grass. You won’t need to spend hours spraying herbicide or pulling weeds, and you won’t need to mow to keep it at your preferred height.

The quality of SYNLawn artificial turf means you will get years of enjoyment and a great-looking product, no matter which turf you choose.

Multi-layer System that Ensures Maximum Stability and Drainage

With artificial grass, you are getting a multi-layer system that ensures stability and drainage. You don’t need to worry about puddles, mud, or shifting surfaces during storms. The way SYNLawn artificial turf is designed is to protect you during all weather conditions.

This multi-layer system will drain the water away so you won’t have to deal with standing water, and because it is laid on top of the ground, there won’t be the muddy mess that comes during most rainy seasons.

Doesn’t Get Slippery Like Natural Grass

Because of the stability and drainage system in place, turf won’t get slippery like natural grass. Even though it’s often over-exaggerated in the movies, that slip and fall moment when someone is walking on freshly rained-on grass can be a reality. Avoid the pain, injuries, and awkwardness. Artificial turf drains the water from the surface, ensuring that the slippery texture won’t occur and cause any accidents.

If you’re interested in learning more about how artificial turf can withstand sunshine and rain, the experts at SYNLawn Sacramento are here to help. We can guide you through the process of selecting the turf that meets your needs, for a lawn, a dog run, or even a home putting green.

Contact us at 916-794-4600 or through this contact form to get the conversation started today.

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